The I European Conference on sustainable mobility at university was first European platform in which universities from several European countries and other territories had the opportunity to share their necessities, challenges and different solutions in the accessibility and sustainable mobility field. Last year, in March 2017, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona became an international centre for knowledge transfer and networking among European universities on sustainable mobility practices, welcoming different kind of high level expert profiles in the field of Sustainable Mobility.
During those three days the encounter focused on the the understanding of the theoretical approaches to sustainable mobility that universities as territorial and social actors are implementing. The event also brought together the different experiences of the participating universities and territories. The main arguments that were brought forward were related to the development of new technologies and the most recent advancements in the sustainable mobility field: urban design, parking management oriented to car use reduction, the role of alternative energies, current and future use of bicycles at campuses or CO2 compensation strategies. In addition, territorial challenges in terms of sustainable mobility were discussed by the representatives of the Spanish, Italian, Californian or Colombian Universities.
In 2019, the II European Conference on sustainable mobility at university will be the second European platform in which universities from several European countries and other territories will have the opportunity to share their needs, ideas and challenges in the accessibility and sustainable mobility field. Krakow University of Technology will now become an international centre for knowledge transfer and networking among European universities on sustainable mobility practices, welcoming a different range of profiles from university mobility managers, academics, public urban mobility officers, entrepreneurs and businesses of the sector, NGOs, civil society representatives and students.
The whole program will be published on this website in the following weeks. So, stay tuned!